The Global Forum for Plant-Based and Alternative Proteins

Alternative proteins, such as plant-based and cultured meats, offer a promising solution to the environmental challenges posed by traditional livestock agriculture. By conserving land and water, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing pollution, these innovative proteins can contribute to a more sustainable and secure food supply. With adequate public investment in research and development, alternative proteins have the potential to become a mainstream dietary choice, helping to address the growing global demand for food while protecting our planet.

The Global Forum For Plant Based and Alternative Proteins aims to unite and empower stakeholders in the plant-based and alternative protein industry across the globe

The Global Forum For Plant Based and Alternative Proteins aims to catalyze sustainable economic growth through the global expansion of plant-based and alternative protein industries, by promoting trade, investments, innovation, while promoting environmental stewardship and social equity

We empower those who currently don't have a space in the alternative proteins industry find their voice.